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Saturday, February 14, 2009

That was Easy...PopShuv-its aren't...

Sorry about the delay people, but I just didn't have anything to write about to be honest. :/ Anyways, I have two stories right now. One about the awesomeness of a button and an easy trick that isn't easy to me.

Well, the other day in advisory, I got bored, so I stared blankly at the computer. Doesn't everyone? Anyways, as I was looking at the screen, I started thinking how awesome it would be to have an easy button. Seriously, how epic would it be to pull that sucker out...let me say that again...pull out that button and press it to hear "That was easy!" I know most of you have thought about this before and if you haven't, shame on you. So if there is an easy button out there, can you send me it?! Seriously I want an Easy Button.


Well, today I was hanging with a couple of my peeps, yeah I said peeps, and I decided to try something out on my board. I tried nailing a popshuv-it, but I couldn't get it down. (That move is when you spin the board in a like a circle and land it) But for nearly an hour, I tried and tried and tried and tried and tried, but I kept falling and falling and slipping and landing on the concrete and just messing up in any way possible. Yes that even means landing right on my face. Have your laugh now, go ahead I don't mind. Anyways, I've been getting annoyed because of this stupid trick. It looks so simple, but I just cant get to land on the board right!


The Mall
Well after hanging out, I went to the mall with some friends and hung out over there. I was with Fabian and Alligator (David) and we just walked around for a while since there was stuff that was too expensive to buy. Stupid shirts costing $20 now. I only had $20 on me and I didn't want to come home with one shirt and no money left. Anyways, I saw an Element board and a Plan B board that was filled with awesomness. But, it was way over my money price at the moment, so I'll just wait it out a bit. Oh, and I saw Lauren with someone I didn't know. Didn't talk much though because the people we were with seemed to wanna keep walking some place, so I just said see ya real quick and caught up with Alligator and Fabian. Overall, it was a pretty good day except for that stupid move. Oh well, I'll just try to get it later I guess.

This was Kevin O'Leary, and you just got a Reality Check!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Who am I?

I'm Kevin O'Leary, host of The Reality Check blog, and The Mexican Irish, and I just wanted to start off with a bit of background. First off, I am a writer, and I hope to become a film director when I become of age. Currently, I'm in the 8th grade, I skate, I make videos for YouTube because I was brainwashed by them and well. I really don't know what else to write. This is extremely short but I think I'll post up some of my writings up on here. Leave feedback if you're reading and you just got a Reality Check!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

What a new Blogger? No Way!

What is up my peeps....or not. I'm Kevin O'Leary and I am just starting this whole blogging thing. Ah It's affecting the universe, yeah you'll get a lot of jokes that only I will laugh at.

Sometimes I won't even laugh at it and just think how dumb that was, but anyways, this blog will not only be about....don't know what it will be about.

I am thinking about doing half about my life, half about the WWE happenings, half movie news and what I want to see, and half about just random news articles that I found...wait.

Half WWE, half Movie news, Half life, half random...some thing's not right there..

So, I will hopefully continue writing here. This is due to the fact that my sis, Lexx OhLarry, has been making blogs here and I've decided to follow the pack because I'm a loser, and that's what I do best!

Anyways, if you see above, yup up there, there is Hayley Williams from Paramore. Most of you may know her, and some of you may not. Go check out Paramore because they own.

Seriously they do. Also check out Pendulum! They are ace, great music and also if you haven't checked it out already, check out Slumdog Millionaire.

It is the best movie I have seen to date. That's all for today folks and you just got your daily does of The Reality Check!